Does hypothyroidism cause hair loss? Yes, hypothyroidism and hair loss are very related. Actually, this is a disorder that causes hair loss not only in the scalp, but also in other parts of the body; and many people interested in the cost of a hair transplant in Turkey or getting any kind of hair treatment, do it so because they suffer from...
Does having long hair make it fall out? Actually many people think the answer is “yes”; it´s common -specially among men- to worry about hair falling and baldness when they find too much hairs on the pillow or after the shower. These symptoms lead to many men to ask about the hair transplant cost in Turkey. But,...
What is the best food for hair loss? What diet for hair loss can I follow? These questions are common among our patients thinking of getting a transplant with FUE in Turkey. Reasons of hair fallout are different for men and women; the main reason in men is the genetic condition, and then stress, age, illnesses, medications and lifestyle; while...
re anemia and hair loss related each other? The truth is that anemia -or anaemia- is a very common but not always well diagnosed disorder, which ends up affecting our health and manifests itself through symptoms in various tissues of the body, including skin or nails, but also hair. There are many people asking about hair transplant cost in Turkey because of...
Menopause hair loss occurs when levels of oestrogen and progesterone drop, and hair grows more slowly and becomes much thinner. Menopause and hair loss are, actually, deeply linked. Body hair loss after menopause is not a rare phenomenon due to hormonal imbalances, too. The average menopause age is around fifty, and take into account that women notice changes in...
What is Biotin? Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 (and formerly as vitamin H), is a water-soluble vitamin who plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids, purines and some amino acids like valine and isoleucine. Biotin is a vitamin considered essential for biochemical process through which cells metabolize nutrients. Biotin can be found mainly in food: our body needs...
Hair transplant with grey hair – is it possible? Many people have grey hair and do not feel comfortable with it, so they wish to improve their appearance by undergoing some kind of aesthetic treatment. It is estimated that by age 50, 50% of white people have 50% of their hair grey. When someone suffers from alopecia problems, a...