“What’s the best time of year to undergo a hair transplant?” This is a question that many individuals facing hair loss, commonly known as baldness, often ask themselves. The timing of a hair transplant is a crucial consideration, as weather conditions can significantly influence post-operative care and, ultimately, the success of the procedure. Although there...
Hair loss during the summer is a common concern for many individuals, though its severity and presentation can vary greatly from person to person. How does the hair growth cycle work? Hair doesn’t grow continuously. It follows a growth cycle consisting of three distinct phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen. The anagen phase is the active...
Does having long hair make it fall out? Actually many people think the answer is “yes”; it´s common -specially among men- to worry about hair falling and baldness when they find too much hairs on the pillow or after the shower. These symptoms lead to many men to ask about the hair transplant cost in Turkey. But,...
From whom is baldness inherited, from mother or father? When facing the first signs of baldness, this is a question that many men begin to ask themselves, especially if they have a family history of hair loss; in fact, common belief says that baldness is hereditary and that genetics plays a big role when it comes to know if we will...
Why does my hair fall out when I have some medical problems, like for example a rheumatic disease? Many people ask these questions if they see their hair falling out, and actually hair falling may be a side effect or a signal of many conditions and disorders in the rest of our body. We have to understand that hair growth is...
What is Biotin? Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 (and formerly as vitamin H), is a water-soluble vitamin who plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids, purines and some amino acids like valine and isoleucine. Biotin is a vitamin considered essential for biochemical process through which cells metabolize nutrients. Biotin can be found mainly in food: our body needs...
Survival of follicles is vital to the success of any hair transplant procedure. It doesn’t matter if the donor area is of quality or if the most modern techniques are used: if you do not take the utmost care so that the survival rate of transplanted follicles is the maximum possible, the patient will not obtain...
Hair transplant is a surgical operation. Therefore, there are some situations that may occur after the hair transplant. Itching, pimples, bleeding, swelling and crust after hair transplant are some of these conditions. Hair transplant crusting is not something to worry about as it is very common for anyone who got the hair transplant. Keep reading to find out what...
is hair transplant allowed in Islam? Hair transplant, is haram or halal? When thinking of getting this kind of surgery, many Muslim people wonder about the rulings in Islam about hair treatments, and whether it is permissible or prohibited in terms of religion. So, how is considered hair transplant in Islam? Before answering this question, we need to know...
Hair transplant with grey hair – is it possible? Many people have grey hair and do not feel comfortable with it, so they wish to improve their appearance by undergoing some kind of aesthetic treatment. It is estimated that by age 50, 50% of white people have 50% of their hair grey. When someone suffers from alopecia problems, a...