How to Protect Your Hair During Summer?

Whether you’re at the beach or in the mountains, it’s essential to protect yourself from the sun during the holidays. While your skin requires special attention, your hair also deserves care.

Hair, although often considered “dead matter”, can still benefit from protection. Although it will eventually be replaced by healthy hair, using the right sun protection can help maintain its beauty and vitality, shielding it from the damaging effects of the sea and chlorine.

Protecting Your Hair from the Sun

Protecting your hair from the sun is crucial, especially during the summer months. Just as our skin is vulnerable to UV rays (UVA and UVB, the most harmful), our hair also needs protection and care to remain beautiful, supple, and healthy.

In moderation, the sun can have positive effects. It regulates sebum production, boosts microcirculation, and stimulates the production of vitamin D. This vitamin is essential for hair growth and bone development, as it helps calcium to bind to bones, making them stronger. However, just a few minutes of sun exposure are enough to achieve these benefits.

Prolonged exposure, on the other hand, can dehydrate the scalp, dry out the hair shaft, and rob your hair of its natural shine. This can make your hair more prone to breakage, leading to split ends, a straw-like texture, and even dandruff.

Unlike skin, hair does not contain melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color and partial protection from the sun. This makes hair particularly vulnerable to UV rays, which can lighten its color over time, whether it’s brown, blonde, or auburn. UVB rays, in particular, can break down keratin, the protein that makes up the hair shaft.

Protecting Your Hair from the Sea and Pool Water

The chlorine in swimming pools tends to lift the protective cuticles of the hair, leading to dryness and damage.

Chlorine can weaken the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the skin on the scalp, causing itching, irritation, and dehydration. As for seawater, it can be a double-edged sword when combined with sun exposure, creating a harsh environment for both your hair and scalp.

However, seawater can have beneficial effects on oily scalps, helping to balance sebum production.

Sea, Salt, Chlorine: What Solutions?

To protect your hair from the effects of saltwater, sun, and chlorine, consider applying a protective oil, cream, or lotion before swimming.

After each swim, be sure to rinse your hair with fresh water to remove any residue.

At home, consider updating your hair care routine. Opt for gentle, organic shampoos that respect the hair fiber and scalp. If your hair is dry, choose nourishing formulas that hydrate without weighing it down.

Follow up with a nourishing mask, focusing on the ends if your hair tends to get greasy quickly.

And What If I’m Bald?

Protecting your bald head in the summer is essential! Without hair to shield your scalp, you’re at risk of sunburn, heatstroke, and potentially developing melanomas. Seek shade, apply a high-SPF sunscreen, and wear a light, breathable hat—such as a cap, bucket hat, or cotton hat—to stay safe.

What If I’ve Had a Hair Transplant?

If you’ve recently undergone a hair transplant, direct and prolonged sun exposure is strictly prohibited. The sun can cause sunburn, worsen inflammation, and hinder proper healing. It may also leave behind pigmentation marks.

So, seek shade whenever possible!

You can occasionally wear a hat, provided it doesn’t press on your freshly implanted grafts.

You can submerge your head in seawater 15 days after the procedure, but for chlorinated water, complete healing is a must.

Now you know how to protect and care for your hair and scalp during your holidays. Don’t forget to stay hydrated, and enjoy your summer!

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