Everything You Need to Know Before Rhinoplasty

Your nose is a central and dominant feature of your face. A crooked, too wide, or even too small nose can greatly impact the overall balance of your face and alter its harmony. Rhinoplasty is a very common cosmetic surgery of the nose that allows for the modification of its shape to restore facial balance.

This aesthetic surgery, aimed at altering the nose’s morphology, also has functional benefits for patients with breathing problems. These issues can result from a deviated nose due to trauma, accidents, congenital defects, or simply natural aging.

Whether for aesthetic or functional reasons, if you are considering a nose operation, ask yourself the following questions:

What are your expectations? Do you have all the information about the different available techniques? Are you eligible for this procedure? What is the recovery time? What are the constraints before and the complications after such an intervention?

In this blog, our expert surgeons at Leman Aesthetic Clinic explain everything you need to know before undergoing rhinoplasty with these 7 points.

  1. Do thorough research As with any surgical procedure, before embarking on this aesthetic procedure, make sure you have all the necessary information to make the best choice.

Depending on the necessary or desired changes, there are mainly 3 effective techniques, all frequently practiced by our specialists at Leman Aesthetic Clinic.

Open Rhinoplasty Open rhinoplasty, also known as “external rhinoplasty,” is the most common method recommended for patients:

Suffering from a nasal deviation, asymmetry, or breathing problems and seeking reconstructive surgery; Looking for aesthetic improvements: reducing the nose’s size, removing a nasal hump, correcting the nose tip. Performed under general anesthesia, it allows for comprehensive and precise work on all areas of the nose, particularly at the tip.

The scars are well hidden and discreet.

The surgical time lasts between 2 and 4 hours. Hospitalization at the clinic is usually 24 hours.

Closed Rhinoplasty Closed rhinoplasty, also known as “endonasal rhinoplasty,” is intended for patients who need minor adjustments, especially to the nasal bridge (dorsal hump), rather than the nose tip.

It is performed under either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation.

This technique does not leave visible scars as they are located only inside the nose and lasts approximately 1.5 to 2.5 hours. Sometimes, a 24-hour hospital stay is recommended.

In general, it is performed on an outpatient basis with same-day discharge. It allows for a slightly faster recovery than the open technique, with minimal immobilization time.

Medical Rhinoplasty Medical rhinoplasty, also known as “liquid rhinoplasty,” is a non-surgical treatment aimed at improving the nose’s aesthetic appearance only. This procedure does not require anesthesia.

Medical rhinoplasty involves injecting dermal fillers, mainly hyaluronic acid, onto the nose to smooth out a dorsal hump, harmonize the nose tip, and, in some cases, lift it slightly.

The results are temporary, lasting about 15 to 24 months. In some cases, this non-surgical approach is performed as a test before committing to permanent changes. Or simply for patients who do not wish to undergo surgery.

The intervention takes about 20 to 30 minutes and does not require anesthesia or hospitalization, and there is no mandatory recovery time.

However, it should be noted that not all nose shapes can be satisfactorily treated with this method. In certain situations, it is contraindicated to use this method, and only surgery can solve the problem. Therefore, make sure to be advised by a surgeon capable of offering you both alternatives.

  1. Have realistic expectations One thing to remember is that a successful rhinoplasty is intended to improve the appearance of your nose naturally, not to give you an entirely new one.

The right approach to rhinoplasty is to have reasonable expectations and choose a doctor who will enhance your features in the best possible way.

To achieve the best results from this treatment, you must clearly define your goals and expectations. This can be done with medical photographs and computer simulations (morphing), which allow you to visualize this new nose in relation to the overall harmony of the face to imagine the desired result.

Ask all necessary questions during preliminary consultations before the treatment.

  1. Allow sufficient time for recovery Although each person heals differently, it takes at least a week to 10 days of social withdrawal.

You may need to wear packing in some cases to prevent bleeding for 24 hours to 1 week depending on the work that has been done, as well as a plaster or splint for a week.

Postoperative consultations are very important as they allow the surgeon to monitor the healing process and the results. Some secondary changes during healing may indeed require treatment during the postoperative phase, which should not be missed.

Important notice: You should not wear prescription glasses or sunglasses for too long for at least six weeks after the operation. Also, it is recommended not to engage in physical activity for a month after the procedure.

  1. Be patient with the final results It may take a year for the nose to take on its final appearance as the swelling subsides.

Healing occurs in stages:

In 1 month, you will have a good idea of the result. Very often, those around you will already see the final appearance; In 6 months, the final appearance of the nose is achieved, including the thinning of the nose tip. The flexibility of the nose tip will return a little later; these changes are mostly perceived by the patient himself as they are minimal changes and sensations. The final evaluation is done after a year. Sometimes, a secondary or corrective rhinoplasty may be necessary.

Imperfections in the results are rare or may result from the exceptional appearance of scars or unexpected tissue reactions. If these imperfections are not well tolerated, they can be corrected with secondary surgery.

  1. Choose the right surgeon The ultimate goal of rhinoplasty is to achieve a natural appearance. A skilled hand, specialized in aesthetic surgery, will always seek the best solutions to harmonize the face while preserving your natural beauty.

Because each face is unique and poses a different challenge, the practitioner will customize the technique used. It is essential to know that several factors can influence the surgical technique and its outcome, such as the nose’s bone structure, cartilage, face shape, skin thickness, etc.

In principle, it is advisable to seek at least two different opinions. The practitioner should be experienced and regularly perform rhinoplasties.

During preliminary consultations, the plastic surgeon, specialized in rhinoplasty in Geneva, will also inform you of the contraindications and complications that may occur, as with any operation. The important thing is to feel comfortable and work together to achieve the desired results.

  1. Contraindications and postoperative complications

Some significant contraindications to this operation are:

Tobacco consumption increases the risk of skin necrosis, which can delay healing. Therefore, it is recommended to quit smoking one month before the operation and one month after. Taking aspirin or its derivatives is contraindicated in the week before the intervention.

Postoperative Recovery

Bruising and swelling are normal symptoms during the first week.

The area around your eyes will darken after three to five days, and the swelling will last up to one week and resolve in several stages.

In general, it will take at least 2 weeks for the swelling and bruising to completely disappear.

This surgery has a reputation for being relatively painless despite common beliefs. However, it can be uncomfortable because you will have to breathe through your mouth during the period when packing is in place.

Postoperative complications are limited and rare if the operation is performed under good conditions. However, it is possible for an infection to occur despite the systematic administration of antibiotics. Nosebleeds can also be observed.

In the aftermath of non-surgical rhinoplasty, edema may be observed for 2 or 3 days.

  1. Eligibility and cost for rhinoplasty Any person over the age of 18 and in good health can benefit from rhinoplasty.

If the operation is purely for aesthetic purposes, it will not be reimbursed.

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